Graves Into Gardens as a guitar feature with a killer horn section!

We were in church (Church of the City/Franklin, TN) the first time I heard 'Graves Into Gardens'. When you get to the bridge "You turn mourning to dancing, beauty for ashes, shame into glory..." the vocals sing and then the band does a bum bum bum bum echo thing each time. I remember it so vividly. "OH MAN...THAT IS A HORN LINE!" Here's what I mean and here's what I did: [...]


So exactly what is the Horns & Rhythm – Modern Worship – Volume 1 collection and how can I use it?

So exactly what is the Horns & Rhythm - Modern Worship - Volume 1 collection and how can I use it? A number of years ago, I created the Horns & Rhythm series of arrangements available for churches, schools and other ensembles.  This series is arranged for basically a 'horn band'. 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, 2-3 saxes and rhythm section.  Over the years, we've had tremendous response from the series. In the [...]


RH2 – THIS IS FOR YOU – Because it’s familiar

  Well known actors are cast in movies. Well known personalities are in commercials. How many times have you heard, "From the creators of..." or "From the people who brought you..."? Why does Hollywood do that? Familiarity Hollywood knows that by utilizing actors you have seen before, you could be more comfortable watching the movie and/or more likely to connect with the story than with someone you've never seen before.*     [...]


K-Love Cruise 2016, the Double Sea Horns and Danny Gokey

In my previous update I mentioned playing trumpet on the K-Love Cruise in the 'Double Sea Horns'. As a result of a conversation with one of our neighbors, Chad Mattson (Unspoken), we ended up playing with Unspoken on their brand new song 'Higher' for their concerts on the ship. That night after the concerts (2 sets), my wife Dana and I are walking down to get coffee with Chad and his wife [...]


K-Love Cruise 2016, the Double Sea Horns and Unspoken

I talked in a previous post about my experiences arranging music for the Duck Commander Cruise, RamCorps and Lee Greenwood. I 'officially' met a now dear friend, Mark Brannon, who is the CEO of Memphis Based travel company Premier. Mark is a great guy, and best of all...he's a trumpet player. (And a good one to boot!). Before that cruise had even set sail, we talked about horns on the K-Love Cruise. [...]


Christmas in Black and White created by Jeff Slaughter

I wrote a horn arrangement for one of Jeff Slaughter's songs from a VBS collection he did with Brentwood-Benson Publishing. The next Christmas, he had this idea for a children's Christmas musical based around a penguin polar pet park. My friend, Jonathan Crumpton, VP of Brentwood-Benson, called and said, "We're doing this new musical with Jeff Slaughter and it needs to be big band and recorded live. You want to do it?" [...]


Horns and Rhythm-Worship

Contemporary...Blended...Traditional If you are looking for rhythm-driven worship arrangements BUT that utilize more than just the rhythm section, then our Horns and Rhythm - Worship project is for you! If your church has an orchestra, and you are being encouraged to move towards more of a 'contemporary' worship feel, then this is a great project to help you do that BUT still utilize your instrumentalists. This project features some of the most [...]



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